Ok 1 week in at a 1 drop per hour dose (but only having 7 consecutive per day). So far so good. Not felt any nausea and the head fog of the first two or three days has decreased drastically. I take a good dose of Psyllium husk after breakfast to help keep me regulaer and in the hopes of clearing my bowls of any die off from any fungual, virul or parasites.
The Psyllium husk addition helped greatly as in the first few days of being on MMS I wasn't as regular in the bowl movement department as I normally am.
I'm in two minds to use a quality probiotic at night or to leave this until I start to come off the MMS. For now I'll just use the MMS and Psyllium husk. I'll be upping the doasge to about 1.5 to 2 drops per hour for this week.